Friday, 25 October 2013

List of commonly used Excel functions

I am using Excel Macros since last few years and from that experience I have created the list of commonly used excel functions that we can use.

Formula Value Description
=ABS(-11) 11 gets Absolute value
=ADDRESS(1,1) $B$1 gets the address of cell
=AGGREGATE(4,0,A1:A10) 33 Calculates aggregates
=BIN2DEC(101) 5 converst binary to decimal
=CELL("contents",A1) 33 gets the contents of given cell
=CHAR(65) A gets the character for ascii value
=CHOOSE(2,33,44) 44 selects nth value from the given set of values
=CONVERT(23,"m","ft") 75.45931759 Converts the number in different measurement units
=COUNT(A1,B3) 1 counts the number of cells having numbers in it
=COUNTA(A1:A7) 7 counts non empty cells
=COUNTIF(A1:A7,2) 0 counts the cells that meet the condition
=EXACT("sagar","sagar") TRUE checks if two string are similar or not
=FACT(5) 120 gets the factorial of the number
=FIND("ten","sachin tendulkar") 8 finds the position of given string in other string
=FIXED(19.434,2) 19.43 rounds the number
=FLOOR(45345.6756,1) 45345 gets the integer number
=CEILING(45345.676,1) 45346 gets the integer number
=NOW() 25-10-2013 17:19 gets current time
=DAY(now()) 25 gets current day
=GCD(6,8) 2 find GCD
=HLOOKUP(2,A1:A10,3) #N/A Horizontal Lookup
=VLOOKUP(2,A1:A10,3) #N/A Vertical Lookup
=HOUR(NOW()) 17 gets current hour
=HYPERLINK("","goog") goog creates the hyperlink in the cell
=IF(12>10,"12 is big","12 not big") 12 is big executes conditional statements
=INT(323.55) 323 gets the integer part of the number
=ISBLANK(a55) TRUE checks if the given cell value is blank
=ISEVEN(22) TRUE checks if the given value is even
=ISNONTEXT(a55) TRUE checks if the givenvalue is non-text
=ISNUMBER(22.44) TRUE checks if the given value is number
=ISODD(34) FALSE checks if the given value is odd
=ISTEXT("dsdsd") TRUE checks if the givenvalue is a text
=LARGE(A1:A44,1) 56 gets the nth largest value from the given set
=LCM(6,8) 24 gets the Least Common Multiple
=LEFT("sachin tendulkar",6) sachin gets the n characters from the left side of the string
=LEN("sachin") 6 gets the length of the given value
=LOWER("Sagar Salunke") sagar salunke converts the value into lower case
=MATCH(33,A1:A77,0) 1 searches the value in given range
=MAX(A1:A44) 56 finds the max value from given range
=Min(A1:A44) 3 finds the min value from given range
=MONTH(now()) 10 gets the current month
=MOD(44,3) 2 gets the remainder of division
=MID("sachin tendulkar",7,33)  tendulkar gets the n characters from the given string
=MINUTE(now()) 19 gets current minutes
=NETWORKDAYS("20-jan-2013",NOW()) 200 counts the weekdays from given dates
=OR(12>33,FALSE) FALSE checks the OR conditions
=POWER(2,2) 4 gets the power of given number
=PROPER("sagar salunke") Sagar Salunke Converst the first letter of word to upper case
=QUOTIENT(5,2) 2 gets the QUOTIENT
=RAND() 0.988171935 gets the random number betweem 0 and 1
=RANDBETWEEN(1,100) 35 gets the random number between 1 and 100
=REPLACE("sachin ten",8,3,"Anjali") sachin Anjalien replace the part of string by other string
=RIGHT("sagar salunke",8)  salunke get n characters from the right side of the string
=ROUND(4545.67,1) 4545.7 rounds the number
=ROW(A1) 3 gets the row number of given cell
=SEARCH("ten","sachin tendulkar") 8 search one string in other
=SMALL(A1:A99,2) 5 gets the nth smallest number from the given set
=SQRT(4) 2 gets the square root of the number
=SUBSTITUTE("sagar salunke","sagar","ganesh") ganesh salunke replace the part of string by other string
=SUM(A1:A11) 268 gets the sum of given numbers
=SUMIF(A1:A10,33) 231 gets the sum of numbers if criteria is fulfilled
=TODAY() 25-10-2013 gets today's date
=TRIM("           sagar salunke         ") sagar salunke removes the spaces from left and right side 
=TYPE(22) 1 gets the data type of the parameter 
=TRUNC(3434.56767) 3434.56 truncates the number
=UPPER("sagar salunke") SAGAR SALUNKE converts the letters to upper case
=WEEKDAY(NOW()) 6 gets the weekday from the given date
=YEAR(NOW()) 2013 gets the year from the given date

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